Friday, 20 June 2014

Thursday 19th June

5.45 Ripon
1pt Border bandit   5/2 gen  11/4 sj  Won +2.5pts

6.55 Ling
1pt Clapper board  7/2 pp/boyles/bfred  u/p

7.35 Leic
1pt Circumvent   6/1 365/vc/pp  Won +6pts

8.10 Leic
1pt Clock opera  9/1  365/vc/lads/whill  u/p
1pt Meandmyshadow   7/2 365/coral/whill  u/p

9.00 Ling
1pt Ghost train  10/3 coral/boyles  7/2 pp  u/p
1pt Victorian number   6/1 vc/skybet   2nd

Today p/l +3.5pts
Month p/l -12.4pts

Wednesday 18th June

2.20 Ham
1pt Amenable  3/1 gen  Won 7/2 +3.5pts
3pt Hab reeh  11/4 gen  3/1 sj  u/p

4.45 Ham
1pt Carraroe flyer  3/1 skybet/sj  u/p
3pt Frontline phantom 3/1 skybet/sj/boyles  2nd

6.50 Ripon
2pt Cadeaux pearl  4/1 coral/skybet/pp/sj  2nd

7.50 Ripon
1pt Ardmay 5/1 gen u/p

Today p/l -6.5pts
Month p/l -15.9pts

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Tuesday 17th June

4.10 Thirsk
2pt Oddysey   2/1 min bfsp  2nd

8.30 Brig
2pt Darnathean   7/2 whill/pp  u/p

9.10 Nott
2pt Maoi  chinn tire  9/2 vc/pp/whill  Won R4 +7.65pts

Today p/l +3.65pts
Month p/l -9.4pts

Monday, 16 June 2014

Monday 16th June

7.35 Wind
2pt Italian tom  10/1 coral/365  u/p

Today p/l -2pts
Month p/l -13.05pts

Saturday 14th June

1.30 Muss
3pt Imperator auguatus  8/1 gen  u/p  3rd
1pt Mowhoob  6/1 boyles/vc  Won +6pts

2.30 Muss
3pt Rothesay chancer   16/1 gen  u/p

3.30 Sand
1pt Amenable  16/1 betfair/pp  2nd

3.55 Hex
2pt Green wizard  4/1 bfred/vc  u/p
1pt Bell weir  10/1 gen  Won +10pts

5.35 York
1pt Mon brav   9/1 whill/sj/vc/bfred  3rd

6.35 Ling
1pt Byrd  in hand  2nd

8.35 Ling
1pt Maison brillet 2/1 min bfsp  u/p

Today p/l +4pts
Month p/l -11.05pts

Friday 13th June

6.40 Chep
1pt April ciel   11/4 gen  2nd
1pt Dandy  7/1 coral/vc/pp  15/2 whill  Won R4 +5.95pts

7.00 Ain
1pt Double whammy  7/1 gen  Won 10/1 +10pts

7.35 Ain
2pt  Neville woods  12/1 whill/lads  u/p

8.10 Ain
1pt Ino0goo  5/1 gen  u/p

Today p/l +11.95pts
Month p/l -15.05pts

Thursday 12th June

4.20 Yarm
3pt Putin   13/2 gen  u/p

Today p/l -3pts
Month p/l -27pts

Wednesday 11th June

2.50 Bev
1pt Sir geoffery  9/2 gen  u/p

3.20 Bev
1pt Bond club   7/2 lads  4/1 skybet  u/p

4.50 Bev
1pt Mitchell  6/1 whill/skybet  13/2 vc  u/p

6.10 Ham
1pt Minty jones   14/1  whill/365  u/p

7.40 Ham
2pt Goninodaethat   13/1 boyles/365  u/p
1pt Monel   9/2 365/lads  u/p

8.50 Kemp
1pt Gravitational  7/2 gen  Won 4/1 +4pts

Today p/l -3pts
Month p/l -24pts

Tuesday 10th June

5.55 Ling
1pt Botanist  6/1 gen  3rd
1pt Lutine charlie  11/1 bfred/vc/sj  u/p

8.35 Worc
1pt Emerald rose  25/1 vc/lads  3rd
1pt Fade to grey  14/1 365/coral  u/p

Today p/l-4pts
Month p/l -21pts

Monday 9th June

3.00 Ayr
3pt Off the pulse  9/2 gen  5/1 skybet  2nd

4.00 Ayr
2pt  Rockweiller  6/1 coral/365  3rd

5.00 Ayr
1pt Its all a game  9/4 coral/whill  3rd

5.30 Ayr
1pt Amaze  9/2 sj/bfred  2nd

Today p/l -7pts
Month p/l -17pts

Sunday 8th June

2.45 Perth
1pt Killeemore  u/p
1pt Allow me  u/p

Today p/l -2pts
Month p/l -9.5pts

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Saturday 7th June

.50 Muss
1pt Absolute bearimg  20/1 lads/vc   u/p

4.35 Worc
1pt My lad percy  16/1 sj/whill  3rd

5.25 Epsom
1pt Arctic feeling  10/1 gen  u/p

6.55 Ling
3pt Daylight 5/2  whill/pp  Won +7.5pts

Today p/l +4.5pts
Month p/l -7.5pts

Friday 6th June

2pt Madagascar moll  4/1 coral/pp/sj/bfred/boyles   u/p

3.40 M/R
1pt Our boy ben  7/1 bfred/boyles   u/p

5.10 Catt
1pt Nine before ten   25/1  lads/betfair/pp/sj   u/p

7.25 Bath
1pt Thataboy  14/1 skybet/pp/vc/sj  u/p

Today p/l -5pts
Month p/l -12pts

Thursday 5th June

3.30 Ham
1pt Another  for joe   6/1 coral/sj

7.55 Kemp
1pt Markami  bfsp

9.00 Kemp
1pt Bouclier  bfsp
1pt Dont stare  bfsp

Today p/l -4pts
Month p/l -7pts

Wednesday 4th June

6.30 Kemp
1pt St paul de vence  7/2 whill/sj  3rd

8.00 Kemp
1p Speed steed  5/1 whill/coral/vc  2nd

8.10 Ripon
2pt Bear behind  11/2 coral/lads/sky/vc/p  2nd

Today p/l -4pts
Total p/l -3pts

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Tuesday 3rd June

4.40 Brig
1pt Lucal  4/1 gen  u/p

5.55 Yarm
1pt Corn maiden  4/1 gen  Won +4pts

Today p/l +3pts
Month p/l +1pt

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Monday 2nd June

No bets Today

Sunday 1st June

2.45 Notts
1pt Shades of silver   28/1 vc/bfred  u/p

3.45 Notts
1pt Peace seeker  12/1 coral/lads  u/p

Today p/l -2pt
Month p/l -2pts