Friday, 20 July 2012

Friday 20th July

We have been spending alot of time sifting through past results and analysing obvious areas were we could improve strike rate and profitability, whilst always being conscious of back fitting. Having achieved this we are now ready to start posting again. Hopefully the rain is finally behind us.

In our absence there has been an upturn in results for July, with a steady profit of just over 20pts.

Moving forward and what is in the pipeline for the future?
We have since the beginning of last year being paying particular attention to maiden races, which is an area not too many services try to exploit. All bets are simply placed at Bfsp, here are our findings to date.

Bets 644
Wins 101
S/R  15%
P/l + 220pts
Roi +34%

It's something we are monitoring and could possibly introduce next year once we have a larger sample of bets.

Todays bets will be up before 1.00pm, the first race being 3.20 Asco.


  1. Hi,

    After the change, what should we expect regarding the number of bets? I assume a drop; if so, could you give an estimated percent? Thanks.


  2. Sorry for not replying sooner, difficult to say as we have not made wholesale changes but probably reduced by 10 to 15%.

  3. Thank you and good luck.

